الأحد، 25 يناير 2009

Here is the war is over and it is where the profit from the lost and when talking about the gains and losses do not Nthdt on the military aspects of the situation, but after the attack compared to the pre-conditions of aggression in Gaza: Hamas, Fatah and the war and the main objective of which is to eliminate Hamas, but aggression that ended after Hamas and strengthened the authority of legitimacy, both inside Gaza and at the international level and become a real party in any settlement or if the conversation and even put on some foreign politicians or the Arabs did not see the facts and reality to exist, Hamas and the war launched to eliminate the increased Hamas the elegance and the reputation and evidence of the victory of Hamas is what Erdogan that any action in Gaza to respect the Hamas victory Bontkhabat popular acceptance and this is the start of the international legal legitimacy to Hamas, but what about the opening? Fatah continues to split on the issue of the power of the people Chbassa imaginary chair shaken and has defeated Fatah (power) in front of the people first before it rolled to the world, the PA rejects any reference to demand the prosecution of Israeli war crimes charges and the Authority is applying pressure for the continuation of the siege of insisting to adhere to the 2005 and the pressure to put out the money for the Gaza Strip, despite the opening of each Mistoayatea did not dare to appear on the theater of operations in Gaza and Is it possible that the 23-day war on without a head of state to visit the sector and a visit? The Zionist enemy has proved the need to undertake structural and systemic reforms within the Palestinian Liberation Organization until at least consistent with the name "Where's Liberation Organization has entered the occupied territories, not only in the massacres in Jenin and Gaza and a barrier to prove that the problem is not with Hamas, and is limited to Gaza Strip, but the problem of Palestine with the enemy occupier either ignore it and makes the subject matter on the basis of the problems that Hamas is working and God is easily demonstrated and wrong thinking and marketing of fake goods on the internal Palestinian level, what about the Israeli home? Israel entered the war a gamble that will either win the thing or things, or to lose everything and the beginning was the desire of the Kadima party in the resolution of the upcoming elections and it was clear that Israel's politicians are convinced that the easiest way to success is not the economy and not the elimination of unemployment, but Palestinian blood coincided with the desire to jamming on a series of scandals and investigations with Olmert, and the desire and the goal is the elimination of missiles and on the structure of Hamas and thought that the goal will be achieved in the days of the attack, but the war lasted 23 days and continued targeting of civilians has to stop the rockets of Hamas and without Hamas lost balance and had forced Israel to stop the war with Israel to achieve its objectives and thus had the opportunity to progress on the Likud to Kadima in the polls after the cease-fire to bring the Likud victory in the war has racked in Tel Aviv at the expense of a war Israel did not win in the Gaza Strip and thus Kadima plan turned to the scourge of them remains the expense of regional gains and losses and we have two States, Egypt and Turkey, and Turkey won clear that much without any effort to make Turkey, and profits were on two levels at the regional level has to be the No. Turkey active in the region, and succeeded to impose itself on the agenda of speakers and no longer simply to go away to Egypt or Saudi Arabia or the European Union but has become necessary to listen to the sound level on the Turkish The broader It wanted to draw the attention of the European Union to the importance of Turkey in the contemporary world politics, and perhaps may facilitate enter the European Union also wants Turkey to show itself a bridge between the Islamic world and Israel, without losing the Muslims in Turkey, Erdogan's electoral base are and without losing the whole world in the eyes of the role of honest broker and Turkey won the points but what about Egypt at the outset I would like to make clear that When it comes to national security of Egypt there is no room for anyone to claim that he loves Egypt more than others and no one to claim that he knows what the others do not know that basis, all Egyptians, both in Egypt and love for all they have data available from here and there is no team can charge Another team that it's not like Egypt or accused of treason or of employment and has no right to say to one another that there are some things a secret not known to the skies in the news media and open and come to see the gains and losses of Egypt Egypt lost when provided the opportunity for some to portray Egypt as in the one box with Israel against Palestine and Egypt lost when Egypt's actions were not parallel with chants against us in the many countries of the world, and Egypt as a result of lost battles and mock his verbal and Minister of Foreign Affairs against Hezbollah and against Iran and was the direct result of the attack on Nasrallah's Christians Lebanese Shiites, not hung a picture of next to the image of the Virgin and lose as Egypt and the Arabs of trying to find the conflict is not timely and appropriate to particular situation and not have been better for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to provide capacity for the legal and political conflict with Israel, Egypt lost the tense rhetoric and the media did not not the performance of foreign affairs, information and quiet elegance the institution of the presidency and lost to Egypt Bodtararha to accept the intervention of a new player to the field, instead of the complaint of Iran's attempts to permanent hegemony over the region now have other concerns, the aspirations of the wolf, Anatolia and Egypt lost some of the rise of small and Petty polish its image and given the decline in voice performance and a media content has become the official media so far away from the rest of the form and content of the media led to the reluctance of many segments of people to other media-neutral or the other of the superiority of the media and many others are not here The research was the way the right or not, but we say that large segments become dependent on the broadcast channels of the island, Arabic and Al-Manar and other channels without the means of official critical of Egypt in the minds of people all these losses and Egypt and perhaps more those who have been questioned say that he is reviewing what was written by people who do not call into question one questioned their heads such as Dr. Hassan Nafa, a professor and Fahmi Howeidi and Mostafa Bakri, a professor of pens and other Egyptian sober but does come out of Egypt without any aggression Gaza gains? There are gains were limited and the moral and the most important, I believe, to remind the Egyptians that peace with Israel, does not mean that the reader has ended, as well as reminding us that it does not mean our friendship to the United States and Israel, but the two countries agree on what might harm Vhahm agree to harm our sovereignty, without any regard for the dignity and value Egypt, and also won a reminder of the war on young people to like them in Israel is not only lined poetry and dating girls, but that their country is dependent on them in their plans, regardless of whether or not it plans to correct these gains and losses should be evaluated and does not mean we have escaped us leadership for a time that we consider this the end of the day, but you must activate the Egyptian role and regain the initiative in the minibus and the Ministry of Khajip, not only in the intelligence building, and must reactivate Egypt all the forces of the media and endorsed the commander of the forces of Al-Azhar and Egypt's role in the restoration of international forums, especially the the Non-Aligned Movement

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